
June 2 2011

Day 145: Just a typical day at our house.  At this point we had already gone for a long morning stroller walk and later a play date in the park with our neighbor.  Around dinner Amelia was just exploring her known surroundings and trying new things. 

June 1 2011

Day 144: As I prepare for Amelia's 1st birthday, I am becoming nostalgic about my own younger birthdays.  I recall one birthday when I was maybe nine. I whined and fussed that I didn't get a loot bag like my friends did (duh, I got presents!) and it was then that I understood how serious my parents could be as disciplinarians. I appreciate now that they didn't let me be a bratty and selfish little human.  Anyways, I loved creating these loot bags for the few family kiddos that will be in attendance on her birthday. 

May 31 2011

Day 143: Amelia is a cautious little one.  She is very careful and not too sure about walking yet.  I know she can do it, but her eyes speak volumes as I let go of her hands and watch her slowly bring herself to a sitting position.  It's not going to be long until she walks, but in the meantime, she is keen on crawling....fast. 

May 30 2011

Day 142: I'm just crazy about her.

May 29 2011

Day 141: Yay!  A solution has been found.  My girl didn't "get" the sippy cup really so I tried a straw and she got it! She is crazy about this new found independence and I love that!

May 28 2011

Day 140: Being a huge lover of animals, I feel bad blocking this rabbit from enjoying the delicious garden we plant.  However, last year we didn't get to enjoy hardly any berries plus countless veggies, so this year, we got smart.  Bunny is going to have to go elsewhere for the good stuff. 

May 27 2011

Day 139: I love planting.  This was what I picked out for our shed window boxes. There is something seriously therapeutic about getting down and dirty with nature.

May 26 2011

Day 138: Amelia has taken to this stance so many times, it must simply prove to be utterly entertaining for the child!  The world looks pretty wild upside down.  ;)

May 25 2011

Day 137: Amelia and Grant share June 11th as their birthday.  Both kids were born early, but Grant much earlier than Amelia.  Here they are having a friendly lunch date while discussing details of their upcoming 1st birthdays (*noticing they could both work on eye contact with each other!). 

PS: Happy Birthday to my lovely mom!

May 24 2011

Day 136: We love our backyard.  Can ya tell?

May 23 2011

Day 135: Meet Charlie.  He's our neighbors puppy and is he ever cute! Nice to have our ideal dog live next door...fine with not getting a dog for awhile yet.  ;)

May 22 2011

Day 134: Our yard is full of delicate surprises.  I feel so fortunate to have such a lovely property and am always grateful to the previous owners for being so thoughtful when they planted the many perennials sprinkled around our house.  This is the second year that Matt and I get to witness our garden come to life and it is ever changing.  The previous owners put some serious thought into the process as there is not a day that goes by that there are not bright washes of colors all around us.

May 21 2011

Day 133: This is my babe constantly, a permanent fixture of my legs.  She's sooooo easy to love though!

May 20 2011

Day 132: Today we headed for Windsor to visit our great friends, Erin, Ken and Kirsten Gibson!  The car ride was fun and as you can see, Amelia had a good time too. 

In the evening we had some fun with sparklers.  I hope to have more opportunities to get creative with them in the future!

May 19 2011

Day 131: What a crazy year we have had in terms of weather.  This day was gorgeous so I decided to try out some bubble photos.  Not as easy as I had hoped with my camera, but this one turned out well. 


May 18 2011

Day 130:  I was the lucky recipient of these cute Hatley socks at Christmas thanks to the Platz's.  Amelia got the sleeper and I, the socks to match.  They are comfy and practical with the no slip written padding underneath.  Ya!

May 17 2011

Day 129: Poor child.  For some reason she is terrified of this sheep stuffie.  I think it's mainly because she has a tough time identifying it's features.  She cried over and over while we tried to get her comfortable with it.  Now she has warmed up to it a little and will nuzzle it's face, but only after suspiciously looking it up and down several times first.  hehe

May 16 2011

Day 128: This rainy and cold weather is bringing me down.  Thankfully I was given pretty flowers for Mothers Day that bring me a little cheer during these gloomy days. 


May 15 2011

Day 127: This is a stem from our incredible Red Bud Tree.  It's a really cool tree. Again, the rain making for an exceptional picture.

May 14 2011

Day 126:  I am learning that rainy days = great photo opportunities.  There is a lot of beauty that is exposed (IMO) when the rain comes down.

May 13 2011

Day 125: Told you this tree would show up again.  haha  Finding that since Amelia is way more mobile, it is getting harder and harder to take time to get any great shots.  Good news is, this tree is right outside our front door so I just popped outside and took the picture.

May 12 2011

Day 124: Happy birthday to my big brother Josh today!  

This was a busy day with two separate play dates.  The first was at a day home where Amelia will most likely be going PT when I return to work, and the other with my neighbor friend.  The not-so-little kid pictured is Cruz who is my neighbor Mel's day care kid. He is a couple months older than Mia.  They get along well and Amelia, as you can see, is very interested in watching him.


May 11 2011

Day 123:  I missed the 10th somehow.  It might have had something to do with Matt reinstalling windows on my computer as I may have lost some stuff.  :(  Oh well, I know I took a picture.  

This tree outside of our house is very neat.  You will see a few pictures of it popping up.  It is a very photogenic tree I must say. 


May 9 2011

Day 121: We were away for the weekend and had a nice surprise upon returning.  About 40 tulips in our front garden had opened up.  I love all the colors!

May 8 2011

Day 120: Happy Mothers Day to all you fantastic moms out there!  It's my 1st Mothers Day and it was a really nice day spent with family. 

We gave my mom this pretty Orchid and check out the sun beaming down!  We lucked out with gorgeous weather.

More photos from the day:

May 7 2011

Day 119: While at mom and dad's house, Amelia was obsessed with mastering her skills on the stairs.  We had to be quick to stay behind as the steps are rather steep.  It was cute to see how proud she was of herself. 

More pictures from the day:

 Lake Ontario

 Josh blowing bubbles for the photo

 Cute nephew Ben blowing bubbles

May 6 2011

Day 118: Mom, Amelia and I went to let the horses in today.  Amelia was literally stunned how big the "doggie" was.  At least we assumed she thought it was a giant dog.

May 5 2011

Day 117: The hubster was cutting the grass so I attempted to snap the cut against the long blades.  Thanks to all the rain we had in April, the grass is vibrant and full. 


May 4 2011

Day 116: Amelia, Matt and I took a walk to a Lakeshore park and enjoyed it immensely.  Amelia was crazy about the swings (naturally) and behaved so well.  I see a lot more of this activity in our future.

May 3 2011

Day 115: I take plenty photos of my little girl.  I captured this rare picture of her while she was in an exceptionally great mood. I can't get enough of my happy baby Amelia!

May 2 2011

Day 114: Let me tell you, there is nothing worse than being cooped up in your house for more than a couple days for reasons such as bad diaper rash, Bronchitis and/or disgusting weather. I attempted a couple photos this day, but was feeling absolutely uninspired due to the diagnosis of Cabin Fever. 

Trick is mostly to keep the wee one entertained.  Had to forget about my own sanity so I could focus on hers.  

May 1 2011

Day 113: Jonas turned 5 years old on April 26th and his mom had a party for him in Guelph this day.  We were really excited and had it all planned out for a month.  Then Amelia got Bronchitis and our plans went down the drain.  Luckily, I have incredible friends that insisted we keep her home to recover and relax in her environment while in the mean time they came to us when the party finished.  We had a nice dinner, great conversation and once Amelia was in bed, enjoyed some Beatles Rockband.  It was lovely as always to see them all!

Jonas - 5
Kirsten - 9

April 30 2011

Day 112: This particular day, still new kitty-to-our-house Kisses found some funny spots to relax.  She tucked her legs in under herself and laid in this corner for a couple hours while we worked on our computers in the evening. 


April 29 2011

Day 111: My cats are big snugglers (minus the new kitty Kisses who would rather not).  Here, I catch these two love birds in the act. 

April 28 2011

Day 110: I have said it before that it was only a matter of time before I was going to whip her hair into an adorable ponytail.  Finally getting my chance after buying little ouchless elastics.  ;)

April 27 2011

Day 109: While driving around this day, I accidentally stumbled upon this miniature city set up. Instantly I had flash backs of practicing my street skills as a kid when we went to visit the Police Department.  Call me crazy, but something about small or large set ups like this get the kid in me screaming "YAY" (hello influential Mario Brothers)! 

The photo was taken with my cell phone.  ;)

April 26 2011

Day 108: In the past, I would never have eaten this.  Now, it is a great night time snack to share with my man.  :)

April 25 2011

Day 107: My girl...crazy about her baths.  Here she is showing off her two bottom chicklets, while in the meantime, she has had an explosion of growth on the top.  4 teeth have cut in a short period of time!


April 24 2011

Day 106: We enjoyed brunch with Baba and a little visit with Auntie B today. 

April 23 2011

Day 105: We crossed paths briefly with Josh, Jen and kids as we were leaving mom and dads.  The weather turned beautiful so we got to enjoy some time on the deck together. 

April 22 2011

Day 104: Amelia is ready to walk and likes to practice practice practice.  She is very interested in exploring all sorts of things too...it's a super fun age!