
February 25 2011

Day 48:  At one point in time, our Guppy fish were not thriving.  We did everything we could to keep them alive and well.  NOW, we have hundreds of these fish. I dont know what worked, but something sure did!  I feel bad for them being cramped in that area, thus we are giving them to an aquarium store soon.

Amelia just loves looking at them on a daily basis.  Looking forward to Cozumel as maybe she will get to see a fish or two in the big Ocean!  :) 

February 24 2011

Day 47:  Amelia is a total bath girl.  She takes after her mom, who took after her mom. It's in our blood I guess.  She gets a bath every night for two reasons: 1) It's part of her night time routine 2) I know she loves it and it feels gooooooooooooood. 

February 23 2011

Day 46: Oh, that warm and bright glorious sun...how I love you!

February 22 2011

Day 45: Amelia and I play lots.  We were just goofing around this day and making each other laugh! 

February 21 2011

Day 44: On my serious "Get fit and stay fit" mission, I am really REALLY enjoying EA Active 2!  Thankful to my hubster for giving me the Wii Fit and EA Active for my birthday, I am on the road to being healthy again.  It feels great and every time I work out, Amelia watches and smiles.  Besides doing this for my own well being, I of course want to be a great role model for her too.  I feel it's my job to demonstrate good health with daily exercise and healthy eating. I also feel strongly that a parent should not role model weight obsession (ie: making comments about how I feel fat). I know us parents always have the best intentions, and sometimes those back fire...but this is an area I hope to get right.  ;)

At the top of the screen it tells me how many cals I have lost.  I am up to 900 over a couple weeks and going strong! 


February 20 2011

Day 43: Erin and her daughter are incredible sleepers.  Any human would be envious of their ability to pass out anywhere, in any position, with loud talkers, pounding music etc infiltrating their ear drums.  

This photo was actually taken right after midnight, and therefore still qualified as my Feb 20th photo.  I wanted to share this photo to demonstrate her unique sleeping ability.  Man, are the Gibson parents ever going to be in big trouble when she's a teen.  lol 

February 19 2011

Day 42:  This was a day of rest and recovering after a long night out on the town, compiled thus with very little sleep. 

These three munchkins are four years apart in age.  I am so eager to see how Amelia fits into the crew as her personality blossoms, and while Kirsten and Jonas continue to grow and shine as well.  It's really cool to see our kids hanging out together. xo

February 18 2011

Day 41: What a sweet surprise.  My amazing girlfriends made my night by surprising me with a night of laughs and dancing, sans kid(s) and hubbies.  We all really needed (and deserved) this, so every minute was thoroughly enjoyed!  Thank you a million times over for a super fun night girls!  Love you!!  xoxo

February 17 2011

Day 40: I had to take a photo of this birthday card that Matt gave me yesterday.  It's uncanny (in our opinion) how much this baby looks like our baby!  Well, we are of course biased that Amelia is cuter, but hey...this baby is still a little doll.

February 16 2011

Day 39:  Today is my 32nd birthday.  While my age creeps up, I feel an urgency to find more peace in life, and better physical and mental health.  In any case, I woke this day to my lovely daughter and husband singing Happy Birthday to me in bed.  Followed by that, all the special things as shown in the picture.  It was a very special day that continued to only get better.  Possibly one of my favorite birthdays yet.


February 15 2011

Day 38: What a treat. While Matt watched the babes, I headed to the city to meet up with my cuzzy Janine.  On Neens recommendation, we went to Utopia on College (which has incredible vegetarian options).  It felt amazing to be back in the city...people everywhere laughing and chatting, holding arms, running in and out of stores/bars/restaurants.  The music was pumping in packed Utopia as Janine and I yelled back and forth and just enjoyed our time together.  After dinner I mentioned I still had to get a picture for my project, so out came the "ugly sister" gals.  I am quite disappointed by my sad attempt, but very proud of Neen for hers.  She always brings it! 

This is the last picture of me as a 31 year old chick!

February 14 2011

Day 37: Lovers day.  Though we dont really celebrate such Hallmark occasions, I was pleasantly surprised by this sweet dinner date from the hubster (please note the heart shaped risotto - hehe).  It's amazing how a candle lit meal creates a romantic vibe.

february 13 2011

Day 36: These gloves are part of my birthday gift from mom and dad.  So far, I have really enjoyed sparring with Matt. We get super playful, and as long as the gloves are on my hands, no one gets hurt. 

February 12 2011

Day 35:  Today we went over to Olena's for my birthday lupper.  We had delicious fajitas and for dessert, a yummy cafe mocha yogurt with fresh fruit!  While hanging at her condo on the water, we noticed this squirrel enjoying a little afternoon treat of his own. 


February 11 2011

Day 34: Today is Amelia's 8 month birthday.  She has had these two bottom teeth for almost a month but I only today was able to get a shot with the camera.  Even still, it's a sad attempt.  When she seems to be teething these days, I am too frightened to put my finger in there to check in fear of losing a digit.

February 10 2011

Day 33:  I cant stress enough how sick I was today.  I had a 19 year streak going of not being sick to my stomach...until today.  I was down and out and a useless chick all day long.  Thankfully my MIL came over to save me a couple times by watching the munchkin.  I ate virtually nothing and let the bug run its course.  

Photographed was my diet for the day.


February 9 2011

Day 32:  In the last few months, I have made two purchases from babysteals.com (you can thank me later if you are a new mom...or you can get mad at me for introducing you to this slightly addictive site!).  The first was prior to Christmas; I bought babylegs (leg warmers) for Amelia, though I really wanted them for myself. hehe  Today, I received my second purchase...this awesome travel "high chair".  I tried Amelia in it and she seemed snug and comfortable.  It will hopefully prove to be a great buy when we head South to Mexico in March.  I'm thinking to pack it into my carry on so we can make use of it in the hotel the night before departure, airport etc.  It's so darn easy to use and because it's all fabric, it's easy to clean and make compact.  Right.on.

February 8 2011

Day 31: I am fortunate to be part of a great play group of mommies/babies in my area.  I accommodated a play date and really enjoyed every bit of it.  It's always really cool to see all these amazing little people (I'm talking about the babies here!  lol) hitting new milestones and interacting together.

Considering there were about 14 moms and 15 infants, the mess was really not that bad! 

February 7 2011

Day 30: I love my feline babies.


February 6 2011

Day 29: I received a couple amazing early birthday presents on Saturday.  Mom and dad got me boxing gloves and bag (oh, I cant wait to beat the crap out of it! I think it's going to be great exercise and very therapeutic! lol) and Josh and Jen got me this gorgeous A necklace.  The two gifts are so polar opposite, but they do represent my personality well.  A little feminine, a little masculine.  ;)  Thank you for the prezzies guys, they are truly appreciated.

February 5 2011

Day 28: Today we went to Josh and Jen's for my early birthday celebration.  The idea was to do it this weekend as my niece Andy would be due the week after, and we didnt want Jen to be too far from home.  Go figure, the little munchkin decided to arrive early.  It worked out well in any case so mom and baby could relax at their home while the family buzzed about.  We ordered from Fresh (my birthday request) and mom made a super yummy, never to be duplicated cake (which oddly tasted like banana bread, yet had no bananas in it).  ;)  It was a nice couple hours with everyone!

My brother and I dont often get to visit each other anymore seeing as we are both busy kids.  When we are together, we often resort to child like behavior by goofing around and poking fun at each other.  I love this guy and thought I would take advantage of this selfie I took of him and I for my project.  ;)

February 4 2011

Day 27: I am loving taking pictures with natural lighting.  This was at sunset while she was playing in our living room.  Fun and easy today. 


February 3 2011

Day 26:  It's unfortunate that I am being a nasty self critic, but though I could have probably come up with something brilliant today (ahem, the sun was shining and the snow was sparkling big time), I instead took a picture of FRUIT (and the worst part is, I could have done a way better job). Oh man, Jess....get the creative juices flowing man.  Anyways, happens to be my favorite fruit, avocado.  Out of fairness, I shall give shout outs to the other fruit photographed; Mr.Banana, Mrs.Mango and Sir Applesalot.  Yup, I have officially lost.my.mind.  Stay tuned.


February 2 2011

Day 25: Today's forecast was anticipating Snowmageddon, and Burlington didnt get as much as predicated (note the minute amount of snow on the tree).  It was gorgeous outside though (a real winter wonderland IMO) and Matt and I took advantage of Amelia's nap time so we could get outside, shovel and breathe in the cold fresh air.  Also, today is ground hog day and based on the huge snow covering clouds, of course he did not see his shadow thus predicting an early Spring!  Yee ha!  I sure hope he's right.  I love Spring (who doesn't?!).

There were several photo ops all around our property, but as usual, I was drawn to our Birch out front (I have countless pics on my computer of said tree).  I tried to capture the huge flakes blowing around it, but my Panasonic Lumix TZ5 couldn't get it (or maybe it was the individual using the camera that isn't skilled enough in this department?).  I like the picture though so I'm happy. 


February 1 2011

Day 24: Wow.  February is here.  The months are flying by far too fast for my liking, though I'll be happy to say bye bye to winter soon enough.  

Every day I take a bath.  I'm crazy about baths.  So much so that I would LOVE to buy a claw foot tub and install it in our tiny little bathroom.  haha  Of course, those aren't cheap. In the meantime I will continue to take my daily bath while dreaming of the day we can build or buy a house and have a glorious bathroom with a cozy claw foot tub.  

January 31 2011

Day 23: Another winter day, another photo challenging day too.  I could take pictures of my cats and baby till the cows come home, but I am trying to refrain from doing that too often.  Regardless, today I decided to take a picture of my fat cat Lilly...she's really quite a gorgeous girl and her personality more beautiful than her exterior.