Day 111: My cats are big snugglers (minus the new kitty Kisses who would rather not). Here, I catch these two love birds in the act.
April 28 2011
Day 110: I have said it before that it was only a matter of time before I was going to whip her hair into an adorable ponytail. Finally getting my chance after buying little ouchless elastics. ;)
April 27 2011
Day 109: While driving around this day, I accidentally stumbled upon this miniature city set up. Instantly I had flash backs of practicing my street skills as a kid when we went to visit the Police Department. Call me crazy, but something about small or large set ups like this get the kid in me screaming "YAY" (hello influential Mario Brothers)!
The photo was taken with my cell phone. ;)
April 26 2011
Day 108: In the past, I would never have eaten this. Now, it is a great night time snack to share with my man. :)
April 25 2011
Day 107: My girl...crazy about her baths. Here she is showing off her two bottom chicklets, while in the meantime, she has had an explosion of growth on the top. 4 teeth have cut in a short period of time!
April 23 2011
Day 105: We crossed paths briefly with Josh, Jen and kids as we were leaving mom and dads. The weather turned beautiful so we got to enjoy some time on the deck together.
April 22 2011
Day 104: Amelia is ready to walk and likes to practice practice practice. She is very interested in exploring all sorts of things's a super fun age!
April 21 2011
Day 103: Spring has so far been wet and cold. I force myself out of the house each day in order to give Amelia and I fresh air and a little exercise. This is a ravine near our house. It will be much prettier once the trees fill in.
April 19 2011
Day 101: Getting excited for Amelia's 1st birthday, I constructed an evite for a small family affair at our house. The day will not only celebrate her 1st year, but Matt and I surviving the 1st year too. =P
April 18 2011
Day 100: A simple day for photography. After stepping out of the bath tub, I gazed my eyes on this beauty of a sunset and decided to capture it from our bedroom window. The shadowed trees make it special in my opinion.
April 17 2011
Day 99: We took a chance and invited our entire block to our house. We have met some great neighbors, but were interested in getting to know even more. The weather DID NOT cooperate at all minute hail and gusty winds, the next sunny and chilly and the next, raining and super cold. Due to the unpredictability of mother nature, we invited everyone into the house when it was suppose to be a BBQ backyard function. The turn out was good, food yummy, kids laughing and playing and us adults all getting acquainted. Hoping to do a street party in the summer with a clown, bouncy castle, BBQ and other fun stuff. :)
April 16 2011
Day 98: It's difficult to tell just how many fish are pictured here; they're fast movers. Our tank is procreating like no ones business thus we have given away three bag fulls of fish. It is still a full aquarium.
April 15 2011
Day 97: I have a few knit dresses from my past so I dressed my little dolly Amelia up (sporting some cute babylegs too)! It didn't work out for long as she kept getting caught in the dress when crawling.
April 14 2011
Day 96: Always so much fun to watch our garden bloom and grow. Several flowers have already made an appearance.
April 13 2011
Day 95: I feel fortunate to have amazing neighbors all around us, one of which I have become close friends with. She has two kids and runs a home daycare. Amelia and I go over occasionally to play and for us two women to visit and have adult talk. Pictured is my friend Melanie's daughter Hailey and one of her daycare kids Cruz. Hailey is one cute kid with loads and loads and loads of endless energy. Cruz is 12 months and almost 35 lbs! I have held him and wow, do I ever feel sorry for his mom's back. Ouch. He is a funny kid and loves to toddle around. The picture was hard to get any one child in it, let alone the three of them.
April 12 2011
Day 94: After a few days transitioning into her new home, Kisses seems to be thriving and really enjoying herself. It's as if she has always been here.
April 11 2011
Day 93: Today my baby is 10 months old! How times flies sweetie pie. She's a great little girl and I am eager for so many more amazing experiences with her yet to come.
April 10 2011
Day 92: Toby is an interesting cat. Part cat, part dog, part human. He's always been an alpha cat, in a big way. Kisses, our "new" family member has asserted herself so well she even shocked me! Seems like her and Toby might get on fine! :) Lilly...she couldnt care less and just tries to stay out of trouble with these two.
April 9 2011
Day 91: Josh, Jen, Ben and Andy were one session of visitors this very busy, but fun day. They brought Kisses to come live with us. Amelia is in kitty heaven!
Here is my nephew Ben hamming it up like the cool kid he is.
April 8 2011
Day 90: This little fella was rescued by my mom from the Humane Society. He is such a gem! My mom raised some solid points as to why to get a dog from a shelter: They are likely to be incredibly loyal to you, in appreciation of you rescuing them, and they are often crate trained (no messes in your house!).
His name is Quinte, he loves playing with a ball, knows sit and shake a paw (we discovered this day), loves snuggles with humans, and playing around with his doggie brothers/sisters.
On the note of rescuing, please consider (or at least pass on the good word) fostering or adopting an animal:
April 6 2011
Day 88: This month Matt and I will be hosting a Block BBQ party. It will be nice to get outside and meet more of our neighbors. With a little luck, the weather will warrant such an event and we will hopefully get to make this an annual thing too.
April 3 2011
Day 85: One thing I wish The Allegro resort would not do: Serve other cultural foods at their buffet. Hey, I'm always open to all kinds of cultural food, but being in Mexico, I really would have loved nothing more than to eat their food. The lunch was the best as I lived off pretty well what you see on this plate. Delicious guacamole, tomato/onion/cilantro and homemade jazzed tortilla chips. Add melted cheese and I have died and gone to heaven.
Looking forward to summer when we will have a plethora of tomatoes in our garden to do all sorts of yummy things with.
April 2 2011
Day 84: We spent the day outside, enjoying the nice sunshine. Matt and I did a little gardening, he took care of the pond and Amelia played on the grass. After, we took a walk to a nearby park and pushed her in the swing. Was fun!
April 1 2011
Day 83: Hmmmm, still in organizational mode after Mexico, so this is all I took for the day! HA I promise to get the creative juices flowing soon...I will! Anyways, Matt and I were both blond and wavy/curly when we were little, so naturally so is Amelia. I love her growing hair and am itching to put it into a ponytail or pigtails. :)
March 31 2011
Day 82: What an exhausting day this was. The day after proved to kick my arse more than the travel day itself. Loads upon loads upon loads of laundry, other organizing requirements, not feeling so hot, little sleep and dealing with a newly sick little one. Based on the picture, you can likely tell how little material I came up with. ;) These are some tired eyes.
March 30 2011
Day 81: This was our last day in Mexico. Anticipation and anxiety of travel this day was high for me, but we made plenty of time in the morning for fun in the pool, one last time.
More from the day (I took all but the one of Amelia and I):
March 29 2011
Day 80: Mom and I decided to try Para Sailing together...mother and daughter. Well, as soon as we were on the boat, the guys told us the weather was too dangerous to have us do it tandem. Thus, we were stuck with deciding who was to go first. I'd say overall I am happy I did it, but between the boat ride and the para sailing in general, it was pretty nauseating. The water was super choppy so the boat was rockin', and the sail would toss me around like I was weightless. It was intense...not so much scary though.
Here is a shot of my rock star mom coming in from her "experience" up in the clouds. If only at this moment she knew the next week would be all about her body teaching her a lesson. lol
March 28 2011
Day 79: One super attractive quality of my husband to me is that he scuba dives. He has been fortunate to do some incredible dives (in his opinion). This day, he took a pool refresher course as it had been over a year since his last dive.
I have done a few resort courses, but it's on my bucket list to get certified, sooner than later. The Ocean is huge and asking to be gently explored. The plan is to do the course here in Ontario, and my open water portion in Cozumel. So exciting! So expensive! haha
March 27 2011
Day 78: Pretty well every night there was a glorious sunset, viewable from our Mexican home. Sometimes I was quick enough to get the camera, and most other times I was lazy or just wanted to watch it with my naked eye.
March 25 2011
Day 76: Amelia goes crazy for The Itsy Bitsy Spider (or "The Incy Wincy Spider" or "The Inky Binky Spider"). Here, Nana entertains her on the beach with her favorite, interactive song.
March 24 2011
Day 75: Our first full day in gorgeous Cozumel, Mexico! It was a day of travel recovery and exploration on the charming resort, soft beach and pristine waters. While relaxing on our balcony in the evening, this little fella paid us a visit. There were creatures scurrying all over (thankfully no spiders - that I could see at least!).
Other photos from the day:
March 23 2011
Day 74: Already exhausted, I realize only now that I took virtually no photos this day. Luckily I had this one photo to share. The wait at the gate was easy and fun. Amelia played on the floor and in loving arms too. She had no idea what was soon to happen, but she tolerated the flight well. I was the one who suffered on the flight more than her. haha
Apparently I am currently exhausted. lol Here are a couple more I took this day:
Apparently I am currently exhausted. lol Here are a couple more I took this day:
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