
June 2 2011

Day 145: Just a typical day at our house.  At this point we had already gone for a long morning stroller walk and later a play date in the park with our neighbor.  Around dinner Amelia was just exploring her known surroundings and trying new things. 

June 1 2011

Day 144: As I prepare for Amelia's 1st birthday, I am becoming nostalgic about my own younger birthdays.  I recall one birthday when I was maybe nine. I whined and fussed that I didn't get a loot bag like my friends did (duh, I got presents!) and it was then that I understood how serious my parents could be as disciplinarians. I appreciate now that they didn't let me be a bratty and selfish little human.  Anyways, I loved creating these loot bags for the few family kiddos that will be in attendance on her birthday. 

May 31 2011

Day 143: Amelia is a cautious little one.  She is very careful and not too sure about walking yet.  I know she can do it, but her eyes speak volumes as I let go of her hands and watch her slowly bring herself to a sitting position.  It's not going to be long until she walks, but in the meantime, she is keen on crawling....fast. 

May 30 2011

Day 142: I'm just crazy about her.

May 29 2011

Day 141: Yay!  A solution has been found.  My girl didn't "get" the sippy cup really so I tried a straw and she got it! She is crazy about this new found independence and I love that!

May 28 2011

Day 140: Being a huge lover of animals, I feel bad blocking this rabbit from enjoying the delicious garden we plant.  However, last year we didn't get to enjoy hardly any berries plus countless veggies, so this year, we got smart.  Bunny is going to have to go elsewhere for the good stuff. 

May 27 2011

Day 139: I love planting.  This was what I picked out for our shed window boxes. There is something seriously therapeutic about getting down and dirty with nature.

May 26 2011

Day 138: Amelia has taken to this stance so many times, it must simply prove to be utterly entertaining for the child!  The world looks pretty wild upside down.  ;)

May 25 2011

Day 137: Amelia and Grant share June 11th as their birthday.  Both kids were born early, but Grant much earlier than Amelia.  Here they are having a friendly lunch date while discussing details of their upcoming 1st birthdays (*noticing they could both work on eye contact with each other!). 

PS: Happy Birthday to my lovely mom!

May 24 2011

Day 136: We love our backyard.  Can ya tell?

May 23 2011

Day 135: Meet Charlie.  He's our neighbors puppy and is he ever cute! Nice to have our ideal dog live next door...fine with not getting a dog for awhile yet.  ;)

May 22 2011

Day 134: Our yard is full of delicate surprises.  I feel so fortunate to have such a lovely property and am always grateful to the previous owners for being so thoughtful when they planted the many perennials sprinkled around our house.  This is the second year that Matt and I get to witness our garden come to life and it is ever changing.  The previous owners put some serious thought into the process as there is not a day that goes by that there are not bright washes of colors all around us.

May 21 2011

Day 133: This is my babe constantly, a permanent fixture of my legs.  She's sooooo easy to love though!

May 20 2011

Day 132: Today we headed for Windsor to visit our great friends, Erin, Ken and Kirsten Gibson!  The car ride was fun and as you can see, Amelia had a good time too. 

In the evening we had some fun with sparklers.  I hope to have more opportunities to get creative with them in the future!

May 19 2011

Day 131: What a crazy year we have had in terms of weather.  This day was gorgeous so I decided to try out some bubble photos.  Not as easy as I had hoped with my camera, but this one turned out well.