Day 22: Whoa, I almost failed my project 365. This picture is actually a clip from a movie I took going tobogganing again. Having too much fun and being preoccupied caring for the little one and packing us up to return home = no real photo. In any case, I still feel SO good after this mini winter getaway. Great friends, great memories, great food and a whole bunch of laughter on the hill!
January 29 2011
Day 21: My friends and I took advantage of the sunny day and good sized tobogganing hill and turned into 5 year old children again. I didnt capture many pictures because, of course, I was running up the hill too many times to count so I could see what new tricks I could muster. :P Thankfully I got this shot of my handsome husband and gorgeous little girl.
January 28 2011
Day 20: I got to meet my niece Andrea today! She was so little (yet a tad bigger than Amelia at birth), soft, sweet and just overall, newborn cuteness. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Though she did wake and show me her eyes a few times. Looking forward to seeing her again this weekend.
January 27 2011
Day 19: Today has been all about running around; made beef stew, made steel cut oatmeal, did laundry, cleaned the kitchen countless times, packed etc. You know, there is something really annoying about packing up a baby Amelia's age. It's crazy the amount of things we bring for her. I'm sure we could cut back, yes, but I guess I like to torture myself. I look forward to when she can eat regular food, run around and not need a booster chair, jolly jumper, car seat, stroller and so on.
So, as sad as it is, THIS is my picture for today.
January 26 2011
Day 18: Oh boy, this is getting to be a very challenging project! I just haven't been into it lately. Luckily my darling daughter can always put a smile on my face and so happens to be a great subject to photograph as well. ;) Here she is seen chewing on her strap on her booster chair. She does this all.the.time.
January 25 2011
Day 17: Today started out as Robbie Burns day in my head, and ended up being my little nieces birthday too! Welcome to the world Andrea Platz! She was born 3 weeks early, weighed 6.15, and born at 1021 at home. She looks a lot like her big brother. We cant wait to meet her and give her loads of kisses. Ben too...he's a big brother now!
Forgive the look of the photo. I stole it from Jen's facebook page and fixed it up the best I could (I took the picture while it was up on my laptop actually).
January 24 2011
Day 16: I am sick yet AGAIN. On top of that, it is very cold outside. Thus I have to admit, today was a very lazy day. I entertained the little one with all sorts of things, but couldnt bring myself to bundle up and get outside. *Enter a side of guilt here* So, our gas fireplace got a good workout. ;) I also didnt feel too inspired today to do my photo. Glad I at least managed to come up with something.
January 23 2011
Day 15: Mom, dad, Matt and I enjoyed time together at Christie's Mill Inn & Spa North of Barrie last night and today. It was a really cute, charming, country location. There were many great photo options, but I really loved their windows.
Today I enjoyed a facial and just really truly relaxing. What a treat!!! We are happy to be home though and to have planted many kisses on our sweet daughter. ;)
January 22 2011
Day 14: Around the Globe every year people celebrate Robert Burns (on or near his birthday of January 25th) He was a Scottish poet. Does this ring a bell? . We can thank Burns as he was the one to conjure up this very well known song!
The lyrics shown in my photo are what we all sang together....another Robbie Burns gem:
It was a marvelous night with great company!
January 21 2011
Day 13: My youngest cat Toby (AKA Bubbles, Babbles, Bubs, Babs etc) is always longing for my love, affection and general attention (for him, bad attention is still attention). I get it. I have a baby now. When once him and Lilly were my babies, Mia has rudely taken their place. lol Well, in all fairness, he is likely the BEST cat to be around babies. Where ever Amelia and I am, he is. He purrs, flops between us, lets Amelia grab him (while I try to teach her how to pet gently), and keeps at it to soak up all sorts of attention. He's a great little guy and I of course love him dearly.
He is not however, unlike his sister, easy to photograph. I was shocked to get this gem of him today. He was lounging near us in the sun so I decided to snap him.
January 20 2011
Day 12: I suspect this summer I will have countless pictures of our garden and backyard. Currently, even though there are no flowers, plants etc, it is still quite pretty. Nothing beats a snowy area with the sun beaming down on it.
There are lots of fish in the pond pictured here. Matt puts in a heater when winter approaches so there is always available O2 for the little guys, plus, the pond is below freezing level.
January 19 2011
Day 11: Today Matt and I took Mia to the YMCA (we have memberships there) for the Little Splashers swim. She absolutely loves the water, just like many members of her family do. We spent 30 minutes kicking, floating around, giggling, and one dunk all the way under. We are committed to make it in for swimming once a week as it runs the same time each day. We want her to be very comfortable in the water, and the best way to do that is by exposing her as often as possible in a positive fashion. She was really keen on watching the toddlers splashing and screaming!
I wasn't able to bring my camera into the pool area this time (there was WAY too much action and chaos in the family change room prior) so didn't get a cool shot of her. However, I grabbed a photo op after while drying off.
January 18 2011
Day 10: Today Amelia and I had a play date with friends in Burlington. The air was so mild, we opted to go for walk. All the bumping over snow lulled all three kiddies into a solid sleep. In the meantime, us adults just chatted away!
January 17 2011
Day 9: I did a ton of running around today including yet another grocery store and health food store run, and even managed to find time for a workout at the Y. Thanks to my MIL, I was able to do all of this sans baby. :) Feeling really good today with my weight loss efforts. It's all working out great! No fad diet for this chick!
Seeing as we had SO much left over food from our fondue the night prior, I decided to domesticate myself by making my hubby traditional beef stew (which he is very appreciative for considering I haven't eaten beef in many many years). I am still cooking it in the slow cooker. Man, that's some easy stuff! Whip all the ingredients into the pot, turn it on and walk away. Loving this.
January 16 2011
Day 8: Today we took yet another walk out in the brisk cold. Nothing stops us. The sun was shining, so I strapped on my daughter to my chest and away we went. Later on, my MIL and family friend Bernice came over for a fondue dinner. Bernice was sweet to bring us a piece of Spring...lovely purple tulips. Of course, I was thrilled and took a couple pictures of it. Otherwise, I took no other photos, so was really limited creatively IMHO as to what to put up today. In any event, hope you dig it. ;)
January 15 2011
Day 7: Matt and I took another long hike through the thick snow while Amelia napped in her stroller. We found ourselves walking along Lake Ontario (this time near our house). The snow was a plenty, and I noticed a flock of ducks in the water. As you may notice in the photo, it continued to snow our entire walk, but we were bundled up.
January 14 2011
Day 6: Mia and I have thoroughly enjoyed our stay with mom and dad, but it's time to return home.
* Sigh* - One advantage to waking early with an infant: glorious sunrises.
* Sigh* - One advantage to waking early with an infant: glorious sunrises.
January 12 2011
Day 4: Another day, another walk. Meet mom's darling baby boy Harlow who is under a year old. His view of Lake Ontario is fab, and he is only a 15 minute walk from mom and dad's house.
January 11 2011
Day 3: Amelia is 7 months old today. Mom, two dogs, Amelia and I took a strenuous walk (1.5 hours) near mom and dads lake shore house. It was quite the workout.
January 10 2011
Day 2: On a weight loss mission approximately seven months postpartum. I have been a Veg Head for 3 years now, but of course always interested to find more healthy options.
January 9 2011
Day 1: Finally, we got our first big snow fall in Burlington. Matt, Amelia and I decided to take advantage of the sun and pretty white snow and got out for a nice walk. Amelia seemed to really enjoy herself.
January 8 2011
Inspired by a High School friend who is a wonderful photographer, I thought it was high time I see what my own eye can capture on a day to day basis. Notorious for always having a camera within arms reach, I love taking all sorts of pictures. I am going to challenge myself to see the world through an artistic lens this year. We'll see where project 365 takes me. I'm sure it will be quite the journey and in the end, very gratifying.
Above is a photo I took prior to Christmas of my daughter Amelia.
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