
January 25 2011

Day 17:  Today started out as Robbie Burns day in my head, and ended up being my little nieces birthday too!  Welcome to the world Andrea Platz!  She was born 3 weeks early, weighed 6.15, and born at 1021 at home.  She looks a lot like her big brother.  We cant wait to meet her and give her loads of kisses.  Ben too...he's a big brother now! 

Forgive the look of the photo.  I stole it from Jen's facebook page and fixed it up the best I could (I took the picture while it was up on my laptop actually).

1 comment:

  1. Aw...Jess, she is so sweet. Thanks for posting a picture of her. I don't know if your brother remembers me or not, but please congratulate him for me. Congrats on your niece!
