
January 21 2011

Day 13: My youngest cat Toby (AKA Bubbles, Babbles, Bubs, Babs etc) is always longing for my love, affection and general attention (for him, bad attention is still attention).  I get it.  I have a baby now.  When once him and Lilly were my babies, Mia has rudely taken their place.  lol  Well, in all fairness, he is likely the BEST cat to be around babies.  Where ever Amelia and I am, he is.  He purrs, flops between us, lets Amelia grab him (while I try to teach her how to pet gently), and keeps at it to soak up all sorts of attention.  He's a great little guy and I of course love him dearly. 

He is not however, unlike his sister, easy to photograph.  I was shocked to get this gem of him today.  He was lounging near us in the sun so I decided to snap him. 

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