
January 26 2011

Day 18: Oh boy, this is getting to be a very challenging project!  I just haven't been into it lately. Luckily my darling daughter can always put a smile on my face and so happens to be a great subject to photograph as well.  ;)  Here she is seen chewing on her strap on her booster chair.  She does this all.the.time. 

1 comment:

  1. So sweet Jess. She is so adorable!

    Project 365 will be really challenging at times, but stick with it! This time of year is really hard when you can't get outside as much and it gets dark earlier. Once the spring rolls around, things are going to get so much easier. Hang in there! You can do this!!!

    Let me know what you want to know about my creative projects. I would be more than happy to share. Everything I've been doing lately is so easy. No fancy programs or tools needed for any of it. :)

    Have a great night!
